DATE:5/27/2003 11:14:00 PM
BODY: Breaking my break, but still on a break

Could it be that Saddam Hussein is hiding in Brooklyn possibly in Crown Heights?

Well that was funny and now I’m resuming my break, boy it’s hard to stay silent

DATE:5/26/2003 09:01:00 PM
BODY: I’m taking a blogging break

Unfortunately this time of the year has arrived, it’s the end of yet another semester. I’ve got a lot of exams to pass (well) and sadly that requires a lot of study time and that means no time to blog. You may have noticed that the volume of blogging has reduced lately and I don’t like it that way. I’m sure you enjoy the fun parts of the blog but it has been a while since I’ve written a serious post, and there is a lot to write about. So I prefer to take a hiatus than to maintain a skinny blog. Last exam on this roll is on July 3rd (stock market’s options and futures) so at most I’ll be back on July 4th.

If something very interesting happens I’ll break my break and blog about it. The best way to stay update is by using the latest features on this site: the RSS feed and the email alert for new posts, both on the left side under the PayPal button.

See ya in a month.

DATE:5/25/2003 09:14:00 PM
BODY: Israel: It's still safe to come - Update

Looks like it wasn’t a joke after all. This Condom is real was distributed in the campus of U.C. San Diego as part of a pro-Israeli campaign.

Baltimore Jewish Times (via Allison): As the highlight of an on-campus campaign entitled "Got Israel?" pro-Israel students at UCSD recently handed out condoms and T-shirts emblazoned with an anthropomorphic condom cartoon and the catchphrase, "Israel: It's still safe to come."

In addition to spouting a double entendre lewd enough to make Benny Hill blush, the condoms proved the point that Israel is the only country in the Middle East in which women and homosexuals are entitled to equal rights, according to the giveaway's student organizers.

But not everyone got the joke, or cared to. After photos and an article about the late April giveaway appeared in the San Diego Jewish Heritage newspaper, the campus Hillel began receiving some angry phone calls. Executive Director Rabbi Lisa Goldstein confirmed that she has lost some donors, but she would not say how many.

It has been circling around as a good email joke here, and I’ve posted it as one, but now that I know it’s real I think it’s even better. I don’t see any problem with it being distributed. Of course older people may have a bit of problem with that, but hey it was distributed in a campus not a home for the aged. Allison thinks it's a fabulous idea and I agree, but here is a blogger who disagrees.

DATE:5/25/2003 08:48:00 PM
BODY: Matrix Reloaded in IL

Just for you to know that Israel is part of the western world, the Matrix Reloaded premiered here last Thursday and created a minor fuss. Anyway I saw it yesterday and was disappointed. I think the first one was brilliant, this one was just plain. Lot’s of unnecessary parts such as that rave in Zion. We do like raves here in Zion but … .

When Morpheus carries his speech to the people of Zion I couldn’t help thinking that his words are true to real life Zion. We’ve been holding off our enemy for one hundred years now and there is no reason to be afraid.
